Hub : Traits

Condit. Reinf. lever presses

Pavlovian Conditioned Approach, conditioned reinforcement, sign-tracking, number of lever presses (contacts) during the conditoned reinforcement session

Tags: Behavior · Pavlovian conditioned approach · Conditioned reinforcement

Project: p50_paul_meyer_2014

152 significantly associated models · 40 unique genes

Significant Loci

# chr p0 p1 # assoc genes # joint models best TWAS P best SNP P cond SNP P % var exp joint genes
1 1 151194048 157352620 40 8 3e-09 3.3e-09 1 100 Numa1 Serpinh1 Ppme1 Mrpl48 Plekhb1 Arap1 Relt Thap12

p0: physical position of the start of the locus. p1: physical position of the end of the locus. # joint models: number of models selected by step-wise conditional analysis.

Pleiotropic Associations

Trait chisq ratio # genes+ # genes++ % genes++ corr corr P genes
Tail length 5.5 9 0 0 0.99 3.6e-15 C2cd3 Mrpl48 Plekhb1 P2ry6 P2ry2 Fchsd2 Arap1 Art2b Stim1
Length with tail 3.6 1 0 0 0.00 1.0e+00 Stim1
Retroperitoneal fat weight 5.0 18 0 0 -0.99 2.4e-29 Capn5 Emsy Dgat2 Lipt2 Pgm2l1 Ppme1 Ucp2 Dnajb13 Mrpl48 Plekhb1 P2ry6 Rsf1 Relt Mogat2 Tsku Acer3 Thap12 NA
Mean time between licks in bursts 9.5 2 0 0 0.00 1.0e+00 P2ry6 P2ry2
Condit. Reinf. active minus inactive responses 11.3 14 0 0 1.00 3.1e-47 Lipt2 Pgm2l1 Dnajb13 Mrpl48 Plekhb1 Fam168a P2ry6 P2ry2 Fchsd2 Atg16l2 Arap1 Art2b NA NA
Condit. Reinf. active responses 12.4 35 0 0 1.00 9.4e-143 Numa1 Capn5 Gucy2e Emsy Wnt11 Uvrag Dgat2 Serpinh1 Lipt2 Pgm2l1 P4ha3 Ppme1 C2cd3 Tpbgl Dnajb13 Slco2b1 Mrpl48 Plekhb1 Fam168a P2ry6 P2ry2 Fchsd2 Atg16l2 Arap1 Art2b Inppl1 Stim1 Map6 Mogat2 Tsku AABR07004881.1 Arhgef17 Thap12 NA NA
Condit. Reinf. inactive responses 11.2 3 0 0 1.00 5.9e-14 Mrpl48 P2ry2 Arap1
Condit. Reinf. lever reinforcers received 13.2 39 3 38 1.00 1.1e-158 Numa1 Capn5 Gucy2e Emsy Wnt11 Uvrag Dgat2 Serpinh1 Lipt2 Pgm2l1 P4ha3 Ppme1 C2cd3 Ucp2 Tpbgl Dnajb13 Slco2b1 Mrpl48 Plekhb1 Fam168a P2ry6 P2ry2 Fchsd2 Atg16l2 Arap1 Art2b Inppl1 Stim1 Relt Map6 Mogat2 Tsku Acer3 AABR07004881.1 Arhgef17 Thap12 NA NA NA
Pavlov. Cond. lever latency 22.2 40 40 500 -1.00 4.6e-241 Numa1 Capn5 Gucy2e Emsy Wnt11 Uvrag Dgat2 Serpinh1 Lipt2 Pgm2l1 P4ha3 Ppme1 C2cd3 Ucp2 Tpbgl Dnajb13 Slco2b1 Mrpl48 Plekhb1 Fam168a P2ry6 P2ry2 Fchsd2 Atg16l2 Arap1 Art2b Inppl1 Stim1 Rsf1 Relt Map6 Mogat2 Tsku Acer3 AABR07004881.1 Arhgef17 Thap12 NA NA NA
Pavlov. Cond. change in total contacts 16.5 40 7 88 1.00 1.4e-183 Numa1 Capn5 Gucy2e Emsy Wnt11 Uvrag Dgat2 Serpinh1 Lipt2 Pgm2l1 P4ha3 Ppme1 C2cd3 Ucp2 Tpbgl Dnajb13 Slco2b1 Mrpl48 Plekhb1 Fam168a P2ry6 P2ry2 Fchsd2 Atg16l2 Arap1 Art2b Inppl1 Stim1 Rsf1 Relt Map6 Mogat2 Tsku Acer3 AABR07004881.1 Arhgef17 Thap12 NA NA NA
Pavlov. Cond. index score 17.2 40 5 62 1.00 1.1e-215 Numa1 Capn5 Gucy2e Emsy Wnt11 Uvrag Dgat2 Serpinh1 Lipt2 Pgm2l1 P4ha3 Ppme1 C2cd3 Ucp2 Tpbgl Dnajb13 Slco2b1 Mrpl48 Plekhb1 Fam168a P2ry6 P2ry2 Fchsd2 Atg16l2 Arap1 Art2b Inppl1 Stim1 Rsf1 Relt Map6 Mogat2 Tsku Acer3 AABR07004881.1 Arhgef17 Thap12 NA NA NA
Pavlov. Cond. latency score 15.5 40 0 0 1.00 6.2e-204 Numa1 Capn5 Gucy2e Emsy Wnt11 Uvrag Dgat2 Serpinh1 Lipt2 Pgm2l1 P4ha3 Ppme1 C2cd3 Ucp2 Tpbgl Dnajb13 Slco2b1 Mrpl48 Plekhb1 Fam168a P2ry6 P2ry2 Fchsd2 Atg16l2 Arap1 Art2b Inppl1 Stim1 Rsf1 Relt Map6 Mogat2 Tsku Acer3 AABR07004881.1 Arhgef17 Thap12 NA NA NA
Pavlov. Cond. lever contacts 23.2 40 40 500 1.00 8.1e-254 Numa1 Capn5 Gucy2e Emsy Wnt11 Uvrag Dgat2 Serpinh1 Lipt2 Pgm2l1 P4ha3 Ppme1 C2cd3 Ucp2 Tpbgl Dnajb13 Slco2b1 Mrpl48 Plekhb1 Fam168a P2ry6 P2ry2 Fchsd2 Atg16l2 Arap1 Art2b Inppl1 Stim1 Rsf1 Relt Map6 Mogat2 Tsku Acer3 AABR07004881.1 Arhgef17 Thap12 NA NA NA
Pavlov. Cond. magazine entry number 11.8 7 0 0 -1.00 4.0e-10 Capn5 Uvrag Dgat2 Slco2b1 Rsf1 Mogat2 Thap12
Pavlov. Cond. lever-magazine prob. diff. 16.2 40 0 0 1.00 2.5e-218 Numa1 Capn5 Gucy2e Emsy Wnt11 Uvrag Dgat2 Serpinh1 Lipt2 Pgm2l1 P4ha3 Ppme1 C2cd3 Ucp2 Tpbgl Dnajb13 Slco2b1 Mrpl48 Plekhb1 Fam168a P2ry6 P2ry2 Fchsd2 Atg16l2 Arap1 Art2b Inppl1 Stim1 Rsf1 Relt Map6 Mogat2 Tsku Acer3 AABR07004881.1 Arhgef17 Thap12 NA NA NA
Pavlov. Cond. response bias 23.4 40 40 500 1.00 4.2e-229 Numa1 Capn5 Gucy2e Emsy Wnt11 Uvrag Dgat2 Serpinh1 Lipt2 Pgm2l1 P4ha3 Ppme1 C2cd3 Ucp2 Tpbgl Dnajb13 Slco2b1 Mrpl48 Plekhb1 Fam168a P2ry6 P2ry2 Fchsd2 Atg16l2 Arap1 Art2b Inppl1 Stim1 Rsf1 Relt Map6 Mogat2 Tsku Acer3 AABR07004881.1 Arhgef17 Thap12 NA NA NA

chisq ratio: Average Chi2 statistic for the selected genes in the secondary trait, divided by the average statistic for all genes in the secondary trait. # genes+: Shared significant genes at Bonferroni correction. # genes++: Shared significant genes at transcriptome-wide significance. % genes++: Number of [++] genes as a percentage of primary trait’s total joint genes. corr: Correlation of effect sizes across the [+] genes.

Associations by panel

tissue modality # hits % hits/tests avg chisq
Adipose alternative polyA 8 0.377 1.4
Adipose alternative TSS 6 0.372 1.6
Adipose gene expression 10 0.120 1.3
Adipose isoform ratio 2 0.071 1.3
Adipose intron excision ratio 5 0.171 1.3
Adipose mRNA stability 4 0.116 1.4
BLA alternative polyA 0 0.000 1.4
BLA alternative TSS 4 0.475 1.7
BLA gene expression 7 0.115 1.4
BLA isoform ratio 0 0.000 1.3
BLA intron excision ratio 2 0.067 1.3
BLA mRNA stability 3 0.148 1.4
Brain alternative polyA 0 0.000 1.4
Brain alternative TSS 4 0.233 1.4
Brain gene expression 10 0.110 1.4
Brain isoform ratio 3 0.095 1.3
Brain intron excision ratio 5 0.093 1.3
Brain mRNA stability 7 0.160 1.4
Eye alternative polyA 0 0.000 1.2
Eye alternative TSS 1 0.417 1.6
Eye gene expression 1 0.089 1.4
Eye isoform ratio 0 0.000 1.5
Eye intron excision ratio 1 0.163 1.4
Eye mRNA stability 1 0.429 1.7
IL alternative polyA 0 0.000 1.3
IL alternative TSS 0 0.000 1.4
IL gene expression 5 0.137 1.4
IL isoform ratio 0 0.000 1.4
IL intron excision ratio 1 0.104 1.3
IL mRNA stability 0 0.000 1.3
LHb alternative polyA 0 0.000 1.3
LHb alternative TSS 0 0.000 1.4
LHb gene expression 2 0.062 1.4
LHb isoform ratio 0 0.000 1.3
LHb intron excision ratio 0 0.000 1.3
LHb mRNA stability 0 0.000 1.4
Liver alternative polyA 6 0.399 1.4
Liver alternative TSS 1 0.066 1.4
Liver gene expression 7 0.097 1.4
Liver isoform ratio 1 0.042 1.3
Liver intron excision ratio 7 0.160 1.4
Liver mRNA stability 5 0.204 1.4
NAcc alternative polyA 0 0.000 1.5
NAcc alternative TSS 0 0.000 1.5
NAcc gene expression 8 0.127 1.4
NAcc isoform ratio 0 0.000 1.4
NAcc intron excision ratio 2 0.065 1.4
NAcc mRNA stability 5 0.221 1.5
OFC alternative polyA 0 0.000 1.4
OFC alternative TSS 0 0.000 1.3
OFC gene expression 2 0.054 1.4
OFC isoform ratio 0 0.000 1.4
OFC intron excision ratio 0 0.000 1.3
OFC mRNA stability 1 0.093 1.4
PL alternative polyA 0 0.000 1.4
PL alternative TSS 0 0.000 1.5
PL gene expression 9 0.122 1.4
PL isoform ratio 0 0.000 1.3
PL intron excision ratio 0 0.000 1.3
PL mRNA stability 6 0.206 1.5

avg chisq: Average Chi2 (squared Z-score) across all models in this panel for this trait.