Hub : Traits

Reaction time omissions

Number of times that the rat failed to make a response within 3 sec of the onset of the imperative stimulus in the last three 18-minute sessions for males and females [n]

Tags: Behavior · Reaction time

Project: p50_david_dietz

5 significantly associated models · 1 unique gene

Significant Loci

# chr p0 p1 # assoc genes # joint models best TWAS P best SNP P cond SNP P % var exp joint genes
1 2 124071278 125075599 1 1 3.4e-08 2.6e-07 1 100 RGD1359508

p0: physical position of the start of the locus. p1: physical position of the end of the locus. # joint models: number of models selected by step-wise conditional analysis.

Pleiotropic Associations

Trait chisq ratio # genes+ # genes++ % genes++ corr corr P genes
BMI with tail 3.5 1 0 0 1 1.6e-04 RGD1359508
Body weight 4.0 1 0 0 1 4.5e-05 RGD1359508
Extensor digitorum longus weight 1.7 1 0 0 0 1.0e+00 RGD1359508
Reaction time number correct 4.7 1 0 0 0 1.0e+00 RGD1359508
Reaction time mean minus median 12.8 1 0 0 1 3.0e-06 RGD1359508
Reaction time mean minus median AUC 9.2 1 0 0 1 3.9e-05 RGD1359508
Reaction time trials correct on left 4.7 1 0 0 0 1.0e+00 RGD1359508
Reaction time mean 11.6 1 0 0 1 6.4e-07 RGD1359508
Reaction time mean AUC 12.7 1 0 0 1 1.2e-08 RGD1359508
Median of all reaction times 7.8 1 0 0 1 1.4e-07 RGD1359508
Reaction time premature initiations 6.0 1 0 0 -1 1.9e-04 RGD1359508
Std. dev. reaction times 15.7 1 0 0 1 4.8e-06 RGD1359508
Condit. Reinf. active minus inactive responses 5.7 1 0 0 0 1.0e+00 RGD1359508
Condit. Reinf. active-inactive response ratio 10.0 1 0 0 1 2.4e-06 RGD1359508
Bone: post-yield work 5.8 1 0 0 1 1.3e-03 RGD1359508
Delay discount exponential model param 6.3 1 0 0 0 1.0e+00 RGD1359508

chisq ratio: Average Chi2 statistic for the selected genes in the secondary trait, divided by the average statistic for all genes in the secondary trait. # genes+: Shared significant genes at Bonferroni correction. # genes++: Shared significant genes at transcriptome-wide significance. % genes++: Number of [++] genes as a percentage of primary trait’s total joint genes. corr: Correlation of effect sizes across the [+] genes.

Associations by panel

tissue modality # hits % hits/tests avg chisq
Adipose alternative polyA 0 0.000 1.3
Adipose alternative TSS 0 0.000 1.3
Adipose gene expression 0 0.000 1.3
Adipose isoform ratio 0 0.000 1.4
Adipose intron excision ratio 0 0.000 1.3
Adipose mRNA stability 0 0.000 1.3
BLA alternative polyA 0 0.000 1.4
BLA alternative TSS 0 0.000 1.1
BLA gene expression 1 0.016 1.4
BLA isoform ratio 0 0.000 1.4
BLA intron excision ratio 0 0.000 1.4
BLA mRNA stability 1 0.049 1.4
Brain alternative polyA 0 0.000 1.3
Brain alternative TSS 0 0.000 1.5
Brain gene expression 1 0.011 1.4
Brain isoform ratio 0 0.000 1.5
Brain intron excision ratio 1 0.018 1.4
Brain mRNA stability 0 0.000 1.3
Eye alternative polyA 0 0.000 1.6
Eye alternative TSS 0 0.000 1.5
Eye gene expression 0 0.000 1.5
Eye isoform ratio 0 0.000 1.3
Eye intron excision ratio 0 0.000 1.4
Eye mRNA stability 0 0.000 1.5
IL alternative polyA 0 0.000 1.7
IL alternative TSS 0 0.000 1.2
IL gene expression 0 0.000 1.3
IL isoform ratio 0 0.000 1.5
IL intron excision ratio 0 0.000 1.5
IL mRNA stability 0 0.000 1.3
LHb alternative polyA 0 0.000 1.3
LHb alternative TSS 0 0.000 1.5
LHb gene expression 0 0.000 1.4
LHb isoform ratio 0 0.000 1.5
LHb intron excision ratio 0 0.000 1.5
LHb mRNA stability 0 0.000 1.3
Liver alternative polyA 0 0.000 1.3
Liver alternative TSS 0 0.000 1.3
Liver gene expression 0 0.000 1.3
Liver isoform ratio 0 0.000 1.3
Liver intron excision ratio 0 0.000 1.3
Liver mRNA stability 0 0.000 1.3
NAcc alternative polyA 0 0.000 1.4
NAcc alternative TSS 0 0.000 1.2
NAcc gene expression 1 0.016 1.3
NAcc isoform ratio 0 0.000 1.4
NAcc intron excision ratio 0 0.000 1.3
NAcc mRNA stability 0 0.000 1.3
OFC alternative polyA 0 0.000 1.5
OFC alternative TSS 0 0.000 1.5
OFC gene expression 0 0.000 1.4
OFC isoform ratio 0 0.000 1.5
OFC intron excision ratio 0 0.000 1.5
OFC mRNA stability 0 0.000 1.3
PL alternative polyA 0 0.000 1.3
PL alternative TSS 0 0.000 1.3
PL gene expression 0 0.000 1.3
PL isoform ratio 0 0.000 1.5
PL intron excision ratio 0 0.000 1.4
PL mRNA stability 0 0.000 1.4

avg chisq: Average Chi2 (squared Z-score) across all models in this panel for this trait.